Order Debi's Cookbook

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Honey Hazelnut Donut Holes

Donut holes are a snack that you just can't stop eating....these have just a kick of honey and hazelnut to make them even more addicting.

Honey Hazelnut Donut Holes

1 can Grand's Biscuits
Enough oil for frying (I use canola oil)

1 tsp. hazelnut flavoring
1 1/2 cups powdered sugar (more or less)
1 tsp. honey

Cut biscuits into small pieces and drop them into hot oil (375 degrees).  Turn to make sure both sides get done.  Remove to paper towels to drain.

Combine the drizzle mixture and immediately drizzle over the donut holes.  You want it thin, but not too thin.  If it gets too thin, add a little more powdered sugar.

Your kids will love these!


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