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Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Chicken Soup with Gnocchi

 Instead of dumplings, try Gnocchi in your chicken soup.  This is an easy recipe that uses pre-baked chicken from the grocery and packaged gnocchi.  Oh, you could take the hard way around and make your gnocchi from scratch, but this is so good, why bother?

Chicken Soup with Gnocchi

1 whole baked chicken from the deli of your local grocery store
2 boxes of chicken broth or homemade stock (about 4 to 5 cups)
2 cups water
2 Tbsp. ground pepper
1 tsp. sea salt
1 package of Gnocchi from the grocery store

Remove skin and pull chicken off the bone.  Shred with your fingers and place it in a large stock pot.  Add the chicken broth, water, pepper, sea salt and bring to a boil over medium heat.  Reduce heat to a simmer and add Gnocchi.  Allow this to cook for at least 40 minutes on low so that the Gnocchi is done.  You will know when it is done because it will rise to the top. 

I usually cook it for another 10 to 12 minutes after it rises because I like it soft and more dumpling-like.


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