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Thursday, October 1, 2015

Macaroni & Cheese From Scratch

Readers, I will be on vacation next week, so won't be posting regularly.  However, I may try to post some reviews from some of the fabulous places I eat.  Stay tuned!

I promise you, if you once make Macaroni & Cheese from scratch, you will never buy the box stuff again.  My grandbabies absolutely love it made from scratch.  And it is so easy, why wouldn't you?  Try this recipe, I guarantee you that you will be sold!

Macaroni & Cheese

2 cups of macaroni
1 Tbsp. real butter
2" thick block of Velveeta cheese
1/4 cup evaporated milk (more or less)
1 Tbsp. ground pepper
1 Tbsp. sea salt + 1 tsp. salt

Bring 1 quart of water to a boil in a pan.  Add 1 tsp. salt and the macaroni.  Boil until macaroni is fork tender (but not mushy).  Drain and put macaroni back into the pan. 

Turn heat down to low and add 1/4 cup evaporated milk (more or less, depending on how creamy you want it), 1 Tbsp. real butter, 1 Tbsp. ground pepper and 1 Tbsp. sea salt.  Cut 2" block of Velveeta cheese into chunks and drop into pan. 

Cook, while stirring constantly, until all cheese has melted.  Add more milk if necessary until the dish is creamy.

Serve.... Enjoy!

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