Order Debi's Cookbook

Monday, June 8, 2015

Flatted Fried Chicken Breast

I have always struggled with good fried chicken.  I can make excellent Chicken Tenders (at a later date), but my regular fried chicken wasn't the best.  Seemed I never got it done in the middle.  I always envied my mom because her fried chicken was amazing.  So, I have perfected and perfected and gotten better over the years.  I love making these.  They are simple but oh so good!

Flattened Fried Chicken Breasts

1 to 2 chicken breasts per person
2 cups flour
1 tsp. black pepper
1 Tbsp. salt
1 tsp. dill (optional)
Oil for frying

Take each completely thawed chicken breast and wrap loosely two times in plastic wrap.  Pound out each piece of chicken with a kitchen mallet until they are about 1/2" thick.  Set aside.

In a wide bowl or plate, mix 2 cups flour, 1 tsp. black pepper, 1 Tbsp. salt and 1/2 tsp. dill.  Mix well. 

In a deep skillet, heat up enough oil so that it will cover the chicken breasts almost to the top once they are in the pan (about 1/2" of oil should do it).  Make sure the oil is hot by dropping a bit of flour into the oil. If it bubbles, the it is ready for the chicken.

Dip each chicken breast into the flour, turn and do the other side.  Then shake off excess flour and repeat the process again so that they are well coated with flour.  Place into the oil and brown completely on one side before turning. Turn over and brown the other side.  Remove to paper towels to drain grease.

This homemade chicken gravy is great poured over the chicken breasts and of course on some mashed potatoes!

Chicken Gravy

Mix 1/2 cup of evaporated milk and 1 cup of whole milk

4 Tbsp. oil from the fried chicken put into a sauce pan or another skillet over medium heat until hot.  Add 2 heaping Tbsp. flour  Stir well to mix.  Pour in the milk mixtures while stirring constantly until gravy thickens.  If it doesn't thicken enough for your taste, mix 1 Tbsp. of cornstarch in about 1/8 cup of water, beat and pour into the gravy.  It will thicken up.

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